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How to Organize Your Wardrobe

There's no point in having many clothes if you can't see them in your closet as you get dressed. If your wardrobe is organized efficiently, instead of being a total mess, you'll be able to enjoy each and every fashion asset you have. This way, you'll also be able to pull off a great outfit even on the busiest mornings.


It's not at all easy, but you do need to get rid of old clothes just to free up some space in your closet. There are many places where you can donate them. If you have clothes too small or too big, don't keep them anymore. Shop for new ones at Ask yourself if it is something you would buy today or if there are sentimental reasons that justify storage.


You will usually have different items in your closet, so that means there are different ways to clean it up.

For your tops, if you can hang them, hang all of them. If you see them, you'll wear them.  


Your sweaters are a different story - it's better not to hang them at all so they don't lose shape. And don't think cedar doesn't work. It does work in keeping the moths away. It's good to replace your cedar at least two times a year. When arranging your sweaters, it's good to divide them by weight using cubbies or dividers. And use a sweater folding board for perfect folds. Read more about wardrobe here at


When you're talking about jeans, there are several methods of storing them - do it by cut, by brand, by color, etc. In any case, it's best to hang them by the hem.  


Pants, skirts as well as shorts should be hung with clips, but don't forget to fold the sides so you don't get clip marks. This also makes the side profile of your closet look neater.


Dresses should always be hung, and better by color instead of by length. One thing you always remember is never to leave them or any of your clothes in the cleaner's plastic bags. You don't want cleaning chemicals to stay in contact for too long with your clothing because they can cause damage. Also consider arranging your dresses according to usage - day/night or season.


You'll find it wiser to take your purses out in the open instead of letting them sit in their dust bags. Doing so means you can see them and you'll probably use them from sydney wardrobes quotes. It's hard to use a variety of bags that you don't even see. It's not true that exposing them will damage them. Some materials, in fact, should be able to breathe to retain their good condition. Scarves should be folded and piled according to material and color so you can easily get what you want to wear without putting the others in disarray. Your hats can be okay in their boxes or on a rack. This helps to keep them from being pressed and losing shape. 


Try storing your shoes right toe out and left heel out so you can find what you want to wear more easily. Then group them either by style or by color.


As for your lingerie, group them by size, type and color.  And rotate them so you don't just wear the same few.

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